Saturday, March 19, 2005

House Update

Our final walkthru is scheduled for Wednesday, the 23rd at 6pm! Holy crap! That means this is really happening. It really hasn't seemed real until the last few days. I just can't stop thinking of things that I want to do to the house and things that we will finally be free of. The other night I dropped something heavy on the floor and had to deal with the guilt of knowing the freak show who lives in the apartment below us was disrupted. No more of that. No more carrying groceries up stairs. No more stairs period. I could go on for days. But I won't.

This week is gonna be hectic. On Monday, Chris is going to the OC for work. His office is based there and he is going to work on some computer networking issues that they are having. He is just the bomb and they need to start paying him what he's worth. But I think they have realized that. He has been giving so many opportunities lately, with this trip on Monday and all the trips to Vegas. I really think they are started to appreciate him and isn't that what we are all looking for in our jobs?
And on Tuesday, I am going to a spring training baseball game. The field where the Angels have spring training, Tempe Diablo Stadium is really close to where I work, so my boss bought us all tickets and we are all going as a team building thingy. The Angels are playing the Diamondbacks and the game is at 1:05pm. So we all get to leave work early and we are walking over to the stadium together. It should be really fun. I am looking forward to it. Then we have the walk thru on Wednesday and I have a feeling that we are going to be meeting sometime this week with the title company. We are still waiting on the final numbers from them for closing. We are down to the wire on this. And if all goes well, we will have keys to our house next Monday!

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