Sunday, March 13, 2005

1, 2 Freddy's coming for you...

Can you believe that Chris has not seen ANY of the Nightmare on Elm St's? I couldn't either! Last night we watched the first one. It was on Bravo. I love those movies. I'll admit when I first saw them, I was scared to death. But now, they are just so funny to me. I remember bonding with my sister over those movies. She liked them and because she did, I did too. I wanted to be just like her back then. Even though the movies scared me, I watched them to be cool and to be like her. NEAT!

Anyway, I am having a major anxiety attack right now. I am thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong with closing on our house. Everyone I've talked to and everything I've read says that you will pay more at closing then you think or then you've been told. This is really what's freaking me out. On Thursday, we have to give our loan officer proof that we have enough funds available to pay closing costs. From what she's told us, we should have enough. But if everyone else is right, we might be short. We are trying to do this on our own and not borrow money (not that there's anything wrong with that - because that might end up happening). So, I've been freaking about that. Then I go and read my stupid horoscope for Thursday and this is what it says:
Don't be depressed by financial shortfalls, and advise the others the same. Just because you can't do what you want now doesn't mean you never will.
WHAT!?!?!? That does not help! I keep telling myself that horoscopes are never true and they are against my damn religion, but I can't stop thinking about it. I hate this. I think that I have been rather calm about this whole home buying process up until now. I am normally a person who freaks out at the littlest things and I am always stressed out. But I have been relaxed about this house, for the most part, because Chris has been taking care of most of it. But it's getting closer and closer to becoming reality and I can't stop myself from wigging! I keep telling myself to calm down, but it's not working. I've given myself a headache. Shit.

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