Monday, July 14, 2008

this scares me!!!

Can I even tell you how frightened I was when I first saw this? It's disturbing. Seriously? The website describes them like this: Realistic Poseable Baby Monkey Doll Collection! WTF??? Realistic? There are monkeys dressed as babies that you can hold in your hand? Oh. They are poseable. Well, then! And what the hell is with the tongue sticking out? I cannot even explain how strange I think these things are! And who the hell would ever buy this? I know I buy some dumb, random shit... but even I have my limits.


BrightStar (B*) said...

My question is: How did you find this hot mess of a doll collection?

Laura Anne said...

ok... well...

I first saw it as an ad in a magazine. I saved it because it was so damn weird. I was planning on scanning it to post, but never got around to it. Then today, I was surfing around looking for a birthday gift and managed to get to a collectibles web site and there it was. Scared me all over again!

comebacknikki said...

Ummm... disturbing!!!