Thursday, May 10, 2007


Today has been dumb and sorta sucky. Nothing too terrible, just dumb. I had to get up earlier to go to the dentist. My gums bleed when he flosses. He gives me crap about it. "Do you floss?", he says. Um, yes. He said my teeth are fine, I just need to floss more. Ok, whatever. Then I tell him about the pain I have in my mouth. Right where my gums attach to my face, underneath my nose. It has been hurting and I just thought I scraped it or maybe irritated it while brushing my teeth. Nope. It's an ulcer. He said that it should go away in about 7-10 days, but I will continue to have severe pain for a few days. Terrific. Apparently these mouth ulcers are not a big deal and most people call them canker sores. But whatever. This hurts. I can't even touch my face without it hurting. It's not THAT bad, but its just annoying. So after the dentist, I am all upset. Oh and I have a cavity. And it's not even really where I thought there might be one. I will have to go back to deal with that later. He didn't have time to do it today. Plus, my dentist on the other side of town, over a half hour away. I made an appointment. Ok, so driving home I tried to call my loved ones to discuss the ulcer and no one was available. Chris was dealing with plotter issues. Mom's work was using the back up machine to answer their phone, so I couldn't reach her. And when I tried to call my sister at her boyfriends, it seemed like someone answered the phone, didn't say anything and hung up. I didn't try again. I was bummed. I did finally reach my mom and was able to vent my frustration. While I was out this morning I had to do two other errands. Take the truck for emissions and go to the post office. The emissions place is right off the freeway at the exit that I take to go home, so it was right on the way. The truck passed without any problems. Hell, they didn't even put it through the same testing that my car had to go thru. They tested like two things (one of which was called "gas cap test"), took my $27.75 and sent me on my way. So at least that was less eventful. The post office is also on my way home and by the time I got there, I was feeling a little better. The parking lot was almost empty and I was glad to see that. As I was parking, I noticed people coming out of the post office and looking all angry. One lady rolled down her window and said that the power was out in the post office. What the holy hell. I was bummed, but whatever. I go to leave and discover the light I had just turned at to get into the post office was out too. It wasn't a minute ago. Such a pain. The light is at a "T" intersection and I was on the wrong part of the t, turning left. No one, in either direction was stopping. I had to wait a long time to turn left once the traffic cleared. I decided I needed to do something to save the day. I went and rented some movies. It's gonna be like a million degrees this weekend (ok 106, but still) and I know I will not want to do much. So, I rented Little Children, Dreamgirls, and Smokin Aces. Should make for a fun weekend. Other than the freaking ulcer and not getting to mail some packages, the day has been ok. I told you that it was all just dumb stuff. But there is one more thing that has made the day suck. See, back in March I had that whole John Mayer ticket drama. Well, a few weeks ago I post the extra set of tickets on ebay. They sold and I was very happy. I didn't try to make any money on them, I just wanted to get my money back. Well since they sold, the freak who bought them has been harassing me. "When are you gonna mail the tickets?" Over and over, he asks. I explain to him that I made it clear in my ebay posting that I will mail them as soon as I receive them. I have not received them from where I bought them, so I cannot mail them. I did this once before and the girl who bought them was nothing but nice and understanding. But this guy is a total douche. His latest email about it was today. He says, "This is so frustrating to me!" Um, dude. What can I do? I told you I will mail them when I get them! You want me to make them magically appear? I haven't gotten my own tickets either, so chill the f&%* out! I can't handle this guy. His emails are like little bombs and wreck my day. You will have the tickets before the show. Why do you need them over a month ahead? AUGH! Blech. Whatever.

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