Wednesday, May 16, 2007

uh oh, not another one

I know I am WAY slow on this... but I am sorta crushing on Channing Tatum. I seem to have a thing for potentially gay, pretty boy actors (see the gorgeous and oh so necessary photo of Went, below). See, I don't normally go for the big, ripped dudes, like Channing. But his hotness can't really be denied. He does seem like a total jerk in real life and I don't usually go for that either. But again, he is steamy. I saw the end of She's the Man, the other day and have been crushing on him ever since. Don't ask me why I watch those crap movies. I just get stuck watching them. I watched A Cinderella Story and while back and crushed on Chad Michael Murray for a while too. This too shall pass. Just shoot me when I admit to renting Step Up.
Oh, Wentworth.
You will always be my favorite sexually ambiguous boy!

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