Tuesday, July 11, 2006

why am I not on this show?

Last night was the first episode and I swear there were only 3 questions I did not know the answer to. I played along at home. Of the all the shows on TV, this one was made for me and some how I missed out. The show itself could use some work. It's kind dull and boring, but I love that pop culture freaks, like me, are getting the respect we deserve.


comebacknikki said...

I so know what you mean! I watched it yesterday and kept thinking how I totally need to be on the show. The show was kind of dull at some moments, but I was amused with some of the people on there - especially the middle-aged chick w/her knee socks and cowboy hat. :P

BrightStar (B*) said...

oh, dude! I totally did not watch this... I should.