Wednesday, July 12, 2006

100 Facts about me in 100 Days: FACT # 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83

76. I can't eat any food that is leafy green. I choose not to expand on the reason. I bet you can guess why.

77. The coolest place I have ever been is Niagara Falls.

78. In my whole life, I have only really kissed one boy.

79. I don't have any sort of an accent. Being from where I'm from, we have nothing specific that we say or how we say it. I do like to pretend I am Canadian and say "aboot" sometimes.

80. There are mostly females in my family. I have one sister, my mom has two sisters (and one brother), my dad has two sisters (and one brother), my husband has two sisters. All of my cousins on my fathers side are girls (3 to be exact). The cousins on my mothers side, are 3 girls and 2 boys. And most of my cousins children are girls too. I'll bet when I have a kid, it will be a girl. (I hope so!)

81. I wear glasses. I refuse to wear contacts. I just can't bring myself to stick something on my eyeball.

82. I have started a small perfume collection. I like to have lots of choices in the morning.

83. I shower at night. My hair is so long that it takes forever to air dry and/or blow dry. So that I don't have to come to work with wet hair, I just shower at night and let it air dry as much as possible.

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