Thursday, January 10, 2008

how i feel about it

The Golden Globes are cancelled this year. They were supposed to be this Sunday.

The Christian Science Monitor is reporting that due to the cancellation, there will be about $80 million in lost revenue to the Los Angeles economy.
We forget that this strike by the writers impacts more than just the writers. What about all the service people who work in LA (limo drivers, chefs, hairstylist, etc) who are losing work and money? Not to mention all the people who work on the production crews of the movies and shows. So many people are being affected that it makes me wonder what the Writer's Guild is up to. I understand their issues (mainly more residuals on DVD sales and internet content), but when a whole community is being destroyed, you would think they would not let it drag on and on.

My selfish reasons for being upset about the lack of Golden Globes is that I live for awards shows. The dresses, the fanfare, the ceremony. All of it is what I love. I love Hollywood and all that celebrity stuff. They are taking that away from me.
And you know what, if I were an actor who wins on Sunday, I would be pissed that I was not able to wear my fancy dress and give my acceptance speech. I would feel totally jipped and they should feel that way.

If this strike is not resolved by February 24th, I don't know what I will do!!

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