Sunday, September 12, 2004

this is cute...

last night Chris told me he was gonna go to Walmart. I needed pads, so I asked
him, "Are you man enough to buy me pads?" He said, "Yeah, I can do that."
I wrote down exactly what it said on the package so he would get the right
ones. I wake up this morning and see a HUGE pack of pads. I told him only
to get the 16 count package, but he took it upon himself to buy the 44 pack!
He got the right ones, except (TMI, I know.) without wings. But I realized
I did not write that on the list. So he didn't know. So I can't be mad.
That's funny.

1 comment:

Laura Anne said...

right. he probably did the math and figured economically, the large pack made more sense.
and i agree about the wings. but like i said,
i didn't tell him to get those, so i can't
be mad. it'll be ok.