Friday, March 09, 2007


I have finally posted my photos on flickr. There were lots of photos to sort thru, because my sister made cd's of all our photos (hers, mine and my parents). I had to sort out the photos that I took, because I only wanted to post those. The problem is, my parents and I have the same camera and one day they got mixed up. Also, I spent most of my time video taping and did not take that many pictures. I did, however take photos using my parents camera. So, that's why it took time to sort out the photos that I took. Anyway.
I really don't know what to say about the cruise. It was nice. You can read my sister's feelings on the trip here and here. I have to admit that I agree with her 99%. The best part was Stingray City in Grand Cayman. We didn't swim with the stingrays, because I am too chicken. But we went in an observation boat and got to see them underwater. It was beautiful and I love the ocean. Before I went on this trip, I really hated boats. But after this, I am not so scared and really like boats in the ocean. My mind is really scrambled right now. I have a cold. Lovely, right. I want to make a list of things to blog about, so I can get caught up:
- aunt carolyn
- uncle jerry
- unpacking
- not really visiting another country
- work

I think I will do what my sister did too. If anyone has any questions for me about the cruise, ask in the comments and I will respond. I don't really know what people want to know about, so let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice photos, Laura! Thanks for taking the time to sort and upload them. I've never been on a cruise and never been to the Caribbean islands, so I'm glad to get a peek at both.

Here are my questions: I noticed a photo of your (totally adorable) parents at dinner, and they looked pretty dressed-up. In warm weather, I live in shorts and t-shirts and consider jeans an uncomfortable but occasionally necessary compromise, so the only dress-code I'm able to comply with is "shirts and shoes required" (assuming the "shoes" category is broad enough to include flip-flops). If I were on a cruise like yours, would I have to order my food to go? :-) Or would they let me into the dining room in my standard attire?

Also, I've eaten nothing but vegan food for the last 20+ years, so I can't even imagine consuming anything else at this point. Do you know whether your cruise ship offer a full complement of vegan selections at all meals? Or is it like, "Umm, well, you could grab some bread and a handful of carrot sticks from the buffet table. Oh, and I think there might be some white rice there, too..."?

TIA, and I hope your cold goes away soon!