Sunday, February 04, 2007

super bowl - go Bears

For as long as I can remember I have been watching NFL football. When I was younger, I would watch games every Sunday with my dad. It was just something we did. One year he told me that I needed to pick a favorite team to follow. I decided to pick the Bears. Why? For no other reason then I liked teddy bears. This was 1985. The Bears went on to win the Super Bowl that year and I was hooked. Now, the Cardinals are my favorite team because I support local teams more than any others. But the Bears will always be the team I chose as my favorite. So this afternoon, when the Bears play in the Super Bowl for the first time in 21 years, I will be rooting for them. However, we actually have friends who live in Indianapolis (the beautiful baby Scarlett and her mom and dad), so I couldn't really tell them that I wanted the Bears to win. But I do. But I think it will happen too. The Indy offense is better than the Bears, but the Bears defense is insanely awesome. Therefore, Indy can't win if they can't score. So, that's my prediction.

9:52pm MST - edited to add: boo hiss!!! Can't win em all. At least the Logan's are happy.

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