Tuesday, February 20, 2007

how awesome was Prison Break last night?

**spoilers abound!***
I am just gonna rant about the show for a few minutes here...
I loved it when Sara went to Pope's house and said, "we" and Pope was like, "we?" and then this:
I screamed out loud, because I was so excited and happy. Chris told me I was crazy. I know. I just loved the drama of that scene. Then Michael convinces Pope to help them! Freaking radical.
The other awesome thing was that Sucre met up with Maricruz! Hooray!! I am so happy and sad for them at the same time. Sad that they have to live on the run, but so happy that he showed and she was there and they can be together.
I just loved this episode. Lots more screaming for joy and clapping. I can really get into my shows! How awesome was it that Linc bet the crap out of Mr. Kim, after Michael hit him with the car? Then Sara locks Kellerman out of the car! Woohoo. Drama. Drama. Does that mean they are dumping his ass after he helped them? Was that a bad move on her part that will come back to bite them in the ass? I am slightly concerned about that. But I was really happy that they finally got the flash drive they have been after for a long time. Can't wait to hear what's on it!

photo source

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