Wednesday, February 21, 2007

consider us divorced

part of an interview in Time Out New York

So, what about Jessica? According to Extra, you can’t deny you’re a couple anymore.

I don’t think I’ve ever denied it. When did I deny it? I’m having the best time of my life, so if the names don’t make sense to people, that’s so small to me.

Do you feel like your fans are wondering, What the hell?

Here’s the thing: Most artists at one point or another hit a point where they divorce themselves from their fans.

They get bloated.

The all-you-can-eat salad bar.

I meant metaphorically—artistically bloated.

That, too. It can be a lot of things: drugs, the wrong people, self-importance. I really do believe you can be a quote-unquote media figure and stay connected to your fans— that’s what’s great about having a blog—like, here’s me, here’s my sensibility unchanged, and if I’m saying I’m still me and then you see me with somebody in a picture more than once, you have to assume they’re a great person and that I haven’t—

Morphed into a douche bag?

Exactly. I’m the same douche bag I’ve always been.

I am at a loss here, John. And by the way, you denied it here (at the 2:03 minute mark):

You better watch what you say. This shit always comes back to bite you in the ass. And yes, I am still very mad and you have become a douche bag. Maybe you were all along, but you had me fooled. Either way - not cool. I still want to love you. I still have hope. Just don't go shaving your head and we might still be ok.

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