Monday, February 05, 2007

not feeling well

Yesterday I felt really nauseous all of a sudden. Let me stop here - no. I am not pregnant. Not at all. It seemed to pass, although not completely. Then, I didn't really sleep last night. I saw every hour. Tossed and turned. Got up a bunch of times to get water and go to the bathroom. Trying to fall asleep. Then it was time to go to work. Great. I still felt terrible and tired now too. I was gonna go in to work and leave early, but then I realized we had a meeting this afternoon that I could not miss. So I was stuck. Well lucky for me, my boss didn't feel good either and so she went home. Meaning meeting is rescheduled. That opened the door for me to leave and so I did. I have been resting here and watching DVR'd movies. I watched Jarhead. I had never seen this movie before. I don't like war movies, but this really wasn't all about the war. It was more about the people, which I like more. It was good. I still have King Kong to watch, but that shit is 3 hours long and according to my sister, not very good. But I want to try to watch it anyway. I try to record movies when they are on HBOHD to get better quality. Anyway, tomorrow I have scheduled off, so I will hopefully feel better by Wednesday. At least I can rest more tomorrow.