Thursday, December 07, 2006

what fell on my head - update

The redness has gone away, for the most part. But my forehead is still sore to the touch. People thought that it was a curling iron burn and it really did look like that after the initial redness wore off. The unmentionable bruise (ok - its on my left boob) is still nasty and huge. I also recently (yesterday) discovered a bruise on my left wrist. It's not bad and only hurts if you push on it. My nose was also bruised a little bit for my sunglasses getting pushed down. They didn't break (thank god! They are prescription and not cheap! You can't live in AZ and not have sunglasses.), but my nose is still a little tender. I am totally fine though. It's all just surface wounds that will fade with time. I am so flippin lucky.

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