Saturday, December 02, 2006

ouch - it really hurts

Chris and I (well, Chris mainly. I was just there to get hurt, apparently.) were cutting down the obnoxious wrought iron gate at the end of our driveway. There was a piece of it that went across the driveway about 8 feet up and while Chris was cutting that down, I was supposed to be holding it. So much for that. Once Chris cut the last piece and it was free from the posts, I couldn't hold it and the steel beam fell on my head. Thank god that it didn't bleed or require stitches. No concussion or black out either. I was way lucky. But it still really hurts. I know the picture it blurry (I took it myself), but trust me - you don't want to see what it really looks like. There are more gashes under my hair that you can't see in the picture. The beam came to rest on my chest and I have big red mark their too. Couldn't photograph that one, sickos. Anyway. I am accident prone. We all knew that.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could kiss it and make it better.


comebacknikki said...

Ouch. :(

BrightStar (B*) said...

oh no! That looks painful.