Tuesday, October 03, 2006

f***ng crickets

In our bedroom last night there was the loudest cricket I have ever heard in my entire life. It was somewhere behind my dresser, which just happens to be right next to my side of the bed. I tried to shake the dresser and make it stop, but every time the light went off, away it went. I couldn't take it. I went out and slept on the couch. But you know what? I could still hear it! Chris said that he turned my nightstand light on and slept like that until around 3am. Because as long as the light was on, it was not making noise. At 3am, he came and got me from the couch and I went back to the bed. Apparently the cricket had moved or just decided it wasn't gonna wait around for the light to go off. It was no longer chirping. But it made for a real rough night.


BrightStar (B*) said...

Sucks! I have crickies in the basement and they are driving me up the wall.

Laura Anne said...

crickies. funny.
crickets. not so fun.

it felt like the cricket was in my head. it was that loud.