Wednesday, April 26, 2006

let's clear the air

Sis: I am not mad at you. I have been in a really bad mood lately and should not have been commenting the way I was. Please don't be upset with me.

Randoms who read my blog: Please do not bash members of my family in comments. As you should know, if you have family, you are allowed to be mean to your own family, but as soon as someone else does, you are defensive as hell. I will fight you. I love that other people read my blog, but I will not allow negative comments about my family.

There. That said... I have been going thru a lot lately. Finding out that our friends are going to have a baby really upset me. I want to have a baby, but the time is never right. It will happen hopefully sooner than later. I just didn't realize how upset their happy news would make me. I have been really depressed the last few days. I am truly happy for them. Truly. But here I am. I need to start living in reality. And once you start looking at your reality. I mean really looking at it, sometimes you discover why you were living in denial in the first place. And that's a hard thing. First realizing that you have been living in denial and then to discover that your reality bites too. I know that I am being vague, but I don't want to air that much dirty laundry on this blog. Just understand that I am going thru some difficult shit and I will get thru it. It will just take time.


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