Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hello Kitty Pop Tarts

I am up.
Eating a Hello Kitty Pop Tart so that I have food in my stomach because I had to take drugs for my GOD DAMN HEADACHE!!!!!!!!
Since my work life is so up in the air right now (I know I haven't blogged about it, because I am trying not to curse it. I'll talk about it once a decision is made.), I am going to stay home today. I know that Chris will not be thrilled, because I know he enjoys his day alone as much as I enjoy mine. But I will try to stay hidden and not prevent him from doing what ever it was he wanted to do today.
So, I am going to post a few random things for today...

- You need to catch Journey of a Lifetime with Jeremy Piven on the Travel Channel. It is a 2 part documentary (sort of) and it is so good. The first part aired Monday of last week and the second is tomorrow. They are in heavy rerun rotation, so check it out. I heart him so much.

- Don't you hate when you think you have something set up to record on your DVR and then you discover that its not. This is what happened to me last Monday. I normally take my showers early so that my hair has time to air dry (the Teddy Geiger song just popped into my head...). But Monday, I was running late. It was already 7pm and I knew that Prison Break had just started. I told myself that I needed to still get in the shower and I would just rewind Prison Break when I get out. And that way, I would be able to fast forward the commercials. Good plan. Well, I get out of the shower and discover that it was not recording. I was so angry! I missed the first 23 minutes of a very important episode. Yes. 23 minutes. Thank god for the internet because I was able to read a synopsis of that happened, but I still did not get to see it. And we all know how much I love that show. No explanation to why it was not recorded. It just decided not to, I guess. Next time I do that, I better make sure the show is recording before I get in the shower. I have a love/hate relationship with my DVR.

- Chris got this plant nutrient stuff yesterday to try to save some of our plants and he casually came over to me and said, "Here, smell this." So I did. And my God, do I ever regret it. It was THE WORST smelling thing I have ever smelled in my whole life. And I have changed diapers before. I have been to a garbage dump. So, I know nasty smells. This, seriously, was the worst ever. It is organic and made from decomposed god knows what. The smell lingers too. I had to turn on the fans and spray lots of Oust. A billion sprays of the Oust didn't get rid of the smell. It was horrible. I had to stick my face in the can of coffee grounds to try to clear my nasal cavity of the stench. Chris just laughed and laughed. It is still lingering in the house even now. After air freshener, candles, fans and all the doors open all day. I would not wish that smell on my worst enemy.

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