Thursday, April 20, 2006


Last week, John Clayton Mayer played a secret show at the Hotel Cafe in LA. Some people had the heads up and someone recorded it. I am listening to it as we speak. It is basically most of the tracks from the new album, Continuum. It is supposed to come out in May, but I am thinking its gonna more like June or July. He just finished it. He also blogged about it. It's funny that he said, "You're good at listening to stuff before it makes a record anyway..." And here I sit listening to it. The songs are amazing. For those that care... when the album comes out, check out Waiting on the World To Change and Stop This Train. They will change your life. I am honored to have heard the first live performance of Waiting on the World To Change. In case you forgot, I already posted the lyrics here and a live recording of Stop This Train, here.

Funny quotes from the show:

"And by the way, we're just trying new tunes out. I just wanna play the songs and see if they suck or not. But it's really a moot point now, cuz they're going on the record anyway. I just wanna know how close I came. Someone's taping and everyone will start listening and then I'll be online in my pajamas (inaudible)... [in a funny voice, mocking the message board posters] 'I'm a bit disappointed in these new songs. I thought John was going take a more of a...' Whatever. Whatever direction I didn't take. '...direction. I just think I couldn't hear like say a modern day Jack Johnson or Jason Mraz. I may be wrong.' Ah, ok. Alright. Alright. Alright. I'm just trying to be the 2007 model, you know. Just trying to be music, the 2007 model. That's all. No crazy deviations, just forward. Why is forward just a fucking crazy deviation? It's just forward people. That's all it is. [in a super high pitched voice] It's straight on babies. "

"This album is too fucking good to be arrogant."

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