Sunday, April 02, 2006


We just got home from the from the show. My feet, legs and back are killing me from standing for like 4 hours, but it was worth it.
I uploaded my pictures. They are really blurry and crappy, but this is the best one:

I also took little videos with my camera. It only records about 10-15 seconds, but still! I will upload a few more later. Here's the best one:

The show was amazing. We had the typical frat boys and drunk boys who think they rule the world and if you have 3 inches in front of you, that's enough room for them and their 3 friends to come and stand. But once the show started, most of that disappeared and I just danced my heart out and I didn't care who was watching. They did almost every song off Try!, a couple covers (that are on the album) and a new song that he said will be on the new album. I have video of that. Let me upload that right quick...
ok here:

It's called Waiting on the World to Change

I really need to go to bed. More later!

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