Sunday, March 07, 2010

hi there

I really don't know why I still have a blog. I've said this a million times. I love my blog. I've had it forever. But I have so many friends on twitter and facebook, so those are the places I talk. I think I am gonna try to post here and then post the links on twitter and facebook. I love talking and my own blog allows me to talk as much as I want.

So, here we go. Its 3:50am. I am awake. My days and nights have been switched for about a week and half. It only bothers me on the weekends. I don't get to see Chris all that much. But I like to think that I am giving him some alone time. He usually doesn't have that when he's home. I guess its how I justify it to myself. Its so easy to slip back into being up at night. Its actually easier for me than sleeping at night. But I don't really know why.

Things in life have been going pretty well lately. I am gonna post some individual posts for some things, but I guess I can give a summary here.

Chris can often be angry and upset at life. Mostly work and finances. I mean, that upsets most people. He just has a hard time letting these things go. Its been a problem. It has, honestly, effected our marriage. To the point where I wasn't sure about the future. But, a couple weeks ago he had an argument with his mother. He told her some things that he had been keeping inside for a really long time. Even though she didn't understand and now pretends like nothing happened, I think it was a release for him. He doesn't admit to this, but I know him. Since that argument, he has done a total 180. He has had periods of good moods before, but I want to believe this is different. He just decided he wants to be happy and be able to enjoy life. We have been talking a lot and really being honest with each other. I feel like we are closer than we have ever been. We are being more affectionate than we've been since the beginning of our marriage. Things are good. Really good. He still has his moments and I am not saint either. But he works at not letting the anger consume him and getting past it. This is so positive for us both.

That and all the great things that have been happening for me lately have made me very happy. I still don't have a job and that brings me down, but there is only so much control I have over that.

I am good. Real good.

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