Wednesday, March 24, 2010

american idol season... whatever

I hate this show. I know that sounds totally bogus based on the fact that I am a Jason Castro über fan. Finding Jason on Idol was a fluke. I hadn't watched every season of the show and I was not a big fan. There was a lot going on in my life at the time of season 7 which brought me to watch that. It gets a little emotional for me, if I explain any further. But lets just leave it at the fact that Jason is special. I am not one of those fans who picks a favorite each season and fan-tards out about them. There will never be another Idol contestant that I feel the way I feel about Jason. Enough of that explanation.... 
I get annoyed by those fans who move from one contestant to another. Not because people aren't allowed to like more than one artist. I mean, come on. I have plenty of obsessions. Its because if you move on the next year, what happens to that person you liked before? They are out there trying to start a career based on the fact that they had fans when they were on the show. But its the next season and those fans have moved on to the next flash in the pan. Fans gone. Artist puts out a mediocre album and then is never heard from again. Its actually kinda mean. They get the false illusion that they will be successful. Then the get smacked with the reality that fans are fickle and only liked them because they were on their TV each week. Its sad. The world is littered with former Idol contestants and your can count on both hand how many have actually managed to have a career doing something music related. 
So that brings me to this season. This is the worst by far. The show has now began casting characters, instead of trying to find good singers. The best artist this season is Crystal and I really hope to god that she does not win. If she gets caught up in the Idol machine, her artistry will be crushed. They will try to make her something she is not. That is also the reason I am glad that Jason didn't win. David Cook has been very successful, but because Jason lost he was able to start his career the way he wanted it. Watching Idol this season is like torture. Then the judges tell these people that they are talented... I can't believe it. It amazes me. They show is crap. I wish more people believed this. It is really time for it to be over. Simon knows it, that's why he's leaving. It has run its course. I feel like it has made a mockery of musicians. Just go on a TV show and get famous. But as I said before, the Idol road is full of broken dreams.

Oh... almost forgot... Miley Cyrus is the mentor. You have got to be kidding me. shoot me now.

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