Tuesday, September 09, 2008

random junk

  • New TV: I am actually into Gossip Girl. Like that is a big surprise. Well, I never watched it last season. Over the summer, I saw a random rerun episode and I was hooked. So, I decided that when this season started, I would watch it. I have seen both episodes so far and even though I don't know all the back story from last season, I am enjoying it. It disturbs me that tweens watch this show. There is so much sex on this show. But you know, right now that is not really my problem. I will have to deal with those issues one day, but right now I don't. So, there you go. I am also hooked on the new 90210. I really hope that they bring back more of the old cast for random guest spots. And OMG - who is the father of Kelly's baby? I wish the family based on the Walsh's was not so glamorous after just coming from Kansas, but it is a TV show. So far these are the 2 new shows that I am in to. I am also loving the new season of Prison Break. That is to be assumed, but I really mean it. Its great so far!! I know I am forgetting some shows, but oh well. I'll think of them and post about them later.

  • Random blasts from the past: Over the last few months, I have received two people from my past contact me. While I cared about these people very much in my past, I hadn't seen or spoken to either of them in over 10 years. I am not really handling either situation very well. But I think it might be a good thing.

  • End of Idol tour: There are only 3 shows left on the tour for the Idols. Saturday is the last show. It is bitter sweet. It marks the end of Jason's AI experience, but the beginning of his own career. It also marks the end of the almost daily updates of pictures and things from tour. There will be a lull, but I have hope that we will survive. Somehow I am dealing better with this then I did about other times when I thought it would go under. Maybe because we've been thru it before and we are still alive. Ok, I bet this makes no sense to many people.

  • I have a zit on my cheek. What the hell!?!?!
  • 1 comment:

    BrightStar (B*) said...

    I am TOTALLY into the new 90210, too.