Sunday, December 23, 2007

random things

  • Don't randomly talk to strangers in the movie theater bathroom. This is what happened to me the other day...
    I am silently washing my hands and an old lady says to me:
    "What movie did you see?"
    me: "Juno."
    her: "Oh, I heard that is funny."
    me: "It is. It is really good."
    her: "I am in Atonement."
    me: "Oh."
    her: "It is really tough. Lots of death."
    me: "Oh really."
    I did everything I could to not continue the conversation, but she just did it all on her own. Good thing I was finished drying my hands or god knows how long she would have talked to me. Don't do this. Leave strangers alone, especially in a public bathroom.

  • Friday night, I dropped my sister off at my parents house and stayed and went to dinner with them. We went to Pei Wei. Decent food, dumb atmosphere. The reason I mention it is because while we were waiting for our food, we all ate our fortune cookies. My cookie... had no fortune. Nothing was inside it at all. I am afraid to think about what that might mean.

  • Eating chocolate covered coffee beans really wakes me up! My mother-in-law gave us some in the stockings she sent us this year. I am bouncing off the walls, but I know I will crash very soon.

  • I still haven't wrapped my Christmas gifts for my family. They don't have to be wrapped until I take them over there on Christmas morning, but my mother keeps asking me if I have them wrapped. I finally asked her if she was just asking me about mine so that she could tell me she has all hers wrapped. Yup, that's why she was asking. She is proud of herself this year. She usually waits a long time, like me.

  • I did nothing yesterday and today is shaping up to be similar. And by doing nothing, I mean that I did not get dressed and did not take a shower until 8:00pm. I know, but we are on vacation and its nice to not function once and while.
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