Sunday, December 23, 2007

keeping up with the sister

My sister stayed the night at my house on Thursday and then on Friday we had a fun day together. We went to the art museum to see this exhibit.
We then went to Lulu's Cupcakes. Turns out, the guy running the cupcake place is someone that Chris knows. What a small, freakin world. The guy we met is the husband of the person who runs the store. His name is Rob. Chris knows him, because he also works at a reprographics store that Chris's old firm used to use. He is there PR guy and Chris had to deal with him whenever there were problems. He said that Rob would send over cupcakes to their office all the time, because there were always problems. Anyway, it is just strange to me that I randomly met someone that Chris knows. Especially in the 5th largest city in the country. So, after the cupcakes, we went to see Juno. It was really stinkin good! I had first seen Ellen Page in Hard Candy and was really disturbed. She is a great actress. I really loved the Dad character, played by J.K. Simmons. He was a what a Dad should be, really supportive and loving of his daughter, even if he doesn't agree or approve with what she is doing. I was also surprised my the step mother character, played by Allison Janney. Usually step mothers are portrayed as evil, but she was a complex character too. In fact, they all were. I was really surprised by that. All the characters were not what you thought they would be and it wasn't a bad thing. Pleasantly surprised. I don't want to give away too much, but the Jason Bateman character gave me the creeps. Anyway, I really recommend Juno to anyone. My sister and I had a really great day together.

1 comment:

BrightStar (B*) said...

Yes, I agree. It was a great day. Thank you for doing all of that driving...