Friday, June 16, 2006

after posting that...

I figured I should explain.

THE GOOD: there is finally a release date for John Mayer's new album, Continnum. It is September 12, 2006. Also, you all can finally hear the song I have been talking about since April 1st, Waiting on the World to Change. It is the first single off the album. Please go listen to it. It is fan-freakin-tastic! So I was so excited to hear the album version of that song since I was at the show where he played it for the first time. And I was all happy about having a release date finally.
THE BAD: tours dates were also released... not coming here. boo. hiss. I was really mad. But all Chris could say was "Thank the Lord." Then I go and find all those cute pictures and he got that award and I... well... got over it.
A little.

Edited to Add:
click pic to listen

1 comment:

BrightStar (B*) said...

LOL @ "thank the Lord."