Friday, June 09, 2006

100 Facts about me in 100 Days:
FACT #46, 47, 48, 49, 50

46. I love watching awards shows. Last night was the MTV Movie awards. I love that crap. Not a big fan of AFI, but Christina Aguilera rocked. It was a little shaky at first, but she got more comfortable and sounded incredible. The awards were dumb, like most are, but I still love that junk.

47. I still consider myself Catholic, though I haven't been to church in a really long time. Actually, I did go a few months ago when I was visiting the sister. But other than that... I have feelings on the subject of going to mass. When I was younger, my mother told me "as long as you live in my house, you are going to mass every Sunday." So I went. Church did a lot for me. I met Chris at church for crying out loud. So if she hadn't forced me to go, I never would have met him. And for a long time, I wanted to go. I was in choir and I felt like a had a place there. Like I belonged. When I grew out of choir, I became a eucharist minister (the people who hand out communion). But after high school, my position at the church disappeared. I grew to resent it. I think that has something to do with why I don't go anymore. Anyway... next topic.

48. When I was 17, I had a fibroadenoma removed from my right breast. It was a very traumatic experience. I had outpatient surgery and the lump was removed. I now have a calcification from tissue damage during my surgery, that I will have for the rest of my life. I have had multiple ultrasounds and a mammogram just to be sure I am ok and all of this is nothing major. And so far I am.

49. I used to collect beanie babies. I have over 100. I haven't been buying them like I used to. I think in the last year, I have purchased about 5 or 6. Which is nothing compared to when I used to by 5 or 6 at a time, once a month. I have them all packed away and will one day give them to my children.

50. I am running out of facts...

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