Tuesday, February 14, 2006

its been a strange few weeks

I know I haven't written in forever. My mind has been on many other things. Last week, I had a major headache. And I don't mean 'one day last week.' I mean all of last week. It was terrible and unlike anything I have ever experienced. I have migraines. Its just a fact of my life. I have not been to the doctor about them. The doctor will just give me medication. Great. That will not make them go away. I can medicate myself just fine, thank you. However, what happened to me last week freaked the hell out of me and I have an appointment with the doctor on Friday. That is a whole mess in itself. See, my mind has been on other things. Then on Friday, Chris got sick. He never gets sick. Well, that's not true. But he never stays home from work when he is not feeling good. He stayed home on Friday and yesterday too. He went to work today, but I didn't think he should have. He has had really bad coughing fits and it has been really difficult for me (and me too!) to sleep. I think not being able to sleep well is why he has not gotten better. But at least the cold is working it's way out. It started in his head and is now in his throat and stomach. I just want him to feel better. And I want to feel better too. I have not had a major headache in a few days, but I have still needed medicine to get thru each day. I feel a headache creeping in and I take something right away. So, I do feel better this week than I have the last 2, but I am still going to the doctor. I guess it was a good thing that I had that headache last week, because I am finally going to do something about my head.

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