Thursday, February 23, 2006

and just when I thought today was a good day...

I go and make myself an appointment for a root canal.
Here's the story. Back in the summer, I went to the dentist for my check up. Whatever. He (being my dentist) wigged out. I had a really bad cavity. He said something along the lines of "the worst he's ever since in such a short period of time" blah blah blah. He said he could try to fill it and see what happens. So he did. He also gave me a referral to the endodontist, just in case the filling wasn't good enough. But it was, until last week or so. I started getting shooting pains in my jaw and I have been taking at least 12 ibuprofen a day to make it thru. I have a feeling that the tooth pain contributed to the horrible headache I had two weeks ago and the subsequent ones too. I have not been complaining about this to anyone. Not even my husband or mother. I just wanted to take the pills and pretend that it would go away. I knew that it wouldn't. So today, I found the referral and called the endo. Root canal, March 9th, 2pm. I gotta get this done. I hurt so much. And I don't want to.

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