Sunday, December 04, 2005

meme time

TEN random things you might not know about me
10. I am a QVC-aholic
9. I hold grudges way too long
8. I am obsessed with celebrity gossip
7. I have lots of moles and some in odd places (ie. the palm of my hand)
5. I hate doing the dishes
4. I have 3 tattoos
3. I have IBS (total TMI)
2. I like to make cards and scrapbook
1. I have major issues with turning 30

NINE places I've visited
9. Flagstaff, AZ
8. Columbus, OH
7. Monett, MO
6. Los Angeles, CA
5. Newport Beach, CA
4. Newport, KY
3. Toledo, OH
2. Lansing, MI
1. Niagara Falls, ONT & NY

EIGHT ways to win my heart
8. coke slushies & a Dodge 600
7. make decent money to support my QVC addiction
6. have nice legs
5. commitment
4. cook
3. tolerate my insanity
2. make me laugh
1. be my soul mate

SEVEN things I want to do before I die
7. go to Disney World
6. own a winter home somewhere cold
5. write a novel
4. perform on Broadway
3. learn French
2. go to Paris
1. have a baby

SIX things I'm afraid of
6. turning 30
5. turning 30
4. turning 30
3. turning 30
2. turning 30
1. losing my mother

FIVE things I don't like
(only 5?)
5. bugs
4. onions
3. migraines
2. people who don't like me
1. politics

FOUR ways to turn me off
4. say that you support George W Bush and/or the war in Iraq
3. bad breath
2. being disrespectful
1. not having any teeth

THREE Things I do every day
3. sleep
2. eat
1. pee

TWO things that make me happy
2. (right now) my Christmas lights all over my house
1. (in general) my husband's laugh

ONE thing on my mind right now
1. getting the hell out of work

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