Tuesday, December 13, 2005

¿Dónde está mi espíritu de Navidad?

Where, oh where has it gone? I have lost my holiday spirit somewhere. I don't know when or where it went. On Saturday, Chris put up the tree with the lights and everything. I managed to get the tree skirt on it and the angel on top. But that was it. No ornaments. I was just so lazy on Saturday and didn't do hardly anything. So the tree sat, all pretty with lights, but naked. It looked sad, but I was bitter towards it for some reason. Last night, I started opening ornament boxes and setting them on the table. I was not going to decorate the tree. I was just going to open the boxes so that they were ready when I was. I usually like to make a big deal out of decorating the tree. After I got out of the shower last night, I decided to break down and put the ornaments on. I did not use them all. I left many of the generic ones off. I don't know why. I usually put tons and tons of ornaments on the tree and enjoy while I'm doing it. I put on my favorite ornaments and it looks a tad bare. Bare for my tastes. Full for probably most people. But it's done. And it does look pretty. But I still do not have the warm, fluffy feeling about it. What's the deal? I am stressed too. I feel like time is slipping way. I have to clean my house for company. I have to wrap the presents that I need to mail. I have to buy boxes for those gifts. I have one more gift to buy. I have... I need to stop listing. It's stressing me out.
I woke up late this morning. I turned off my alarm thinking, "Why did I set my alarm today? I don't have to work today." Good thing that Chris's alarm went off and he woke me up. 20 minutes late. I managed to get out of the house on time, but still. I just messes with your whole day. Having to rush around.
I need to be rejuvenated. I need to find my Christmas spirit. ¿Dónde está?

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