Thursday, December 15, 2005

Brokeback Mountain

I just finished reading the short story that the new movie is based on. It was originally published as one of many short stories in the book called Close Range: Wyoming Stories. When I was at the book store last night, they were selling copies of just Brokeback Mountain. I picked it up because I really want to see the movie because it's getting such great reviews. I had heard that the movie is a very good interpretation of the story. Even on the author, Annie Proulx's website, she says, "I may be the first writer in America to have a piece of writing make its way to the screen whole and entire." I wanted to know what it was all about. It has to be more than just a gay cowboy movie. And after just finishing the story, I felt so compelled to post about it. It is very short. I read it in probably 25 minutes. But it tears at your heart. The first mention of the sex does startle you, but after a minute you realize that it is just two people in love. In love and not able to be together. I won't tell the ending, because I hope everyone goes to see the movie. But I can understand why Heath Ledger would be the stand out in the film and receive all the awards. His character... I can't finish that sentence without giving some things away. I am planning on seeing the movie as soon as I can. And I highly recommend the short story. After the new year, I am going to get some more writings of Annie Proulx's and check them out. She wrote and won a Pulitzer for The Shipping News. That was made into a movie a couple years ago too. I had no idea. So now I'm in the know. Wow. I can't stop thinking about the story. Seriously. Check it out.

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