Monday, August 01, 2005

I call them rats

We have mice. I think I posted about this before, but a few weeks ago, Chris saw a mouse in the laundry room. Then I heard what sounded like vermin in the walls. We haven't seen or heard them in a little while and so we sort of forgot. But then I saw some rat poo in the laundry room and freaked out. This weekend Chris went to the Depot and bought mouse traps. Since yesterday afternoon, we have caught two. TWO! Not just one little one like we thought. TWO!
This is the conversation that Chris and I have had today via email, about the mice:
Me: I am freaking about all the mice!
Chris: Two is hardly a lot of mice. But at least they seem dumb enough to fall for the same trap over and over.
Me: Two in less than 24 hours. It can only catch 1 at a time. You don't know how many there are. I bet if there were 2 traps, we would have caught 4 by now. This is freaking me out.
Chris: awww... c'mon...they're cute little mice. Just think of them as little mickeys and minnies. And we're systematically trying to annihilate their whole family. see? cute! If we had a hello kitty, it would get those mice. Prolly bring em to you as a gift, too. too cute!

Mice, huh? I call them rats!
At least they are not hamsters...

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