Monday, August 08, 2005

Big Brother 6

If you don't want a spoiler for tomorrow's episode, stop reading now.
I have not been blogging about BB lately. But I wanted to post what is happening with it now. James and Sarah are on the block. But over the weekend, James won the power of veto. And today, for the 3rd week in a row, he takes himself off the block. The Head of Household, Howie, then nominates Ivette. It's about freaking time. I think it's dumb that they are voting off people who they consider strong players. I think the stronger players are the ones who don't make it so obvious. They are the ones, like Jennifer and Beau, who are just laying low and letting the chaos happen around them. They are the better players because the are not drawing attention to themselves. I also want to say that I have been voting like a fool to get Kayser back in the house. If Eric comes back, I will be so pissed off. Now, I think that CBS might not tally the votes and just bring Eric back. The reason I think this is because I was reading the message boards and discovered that on they have options for you to vote on different things like who will be evicted next, etc. All the houseguests were are listed for you to choose from, except for 3 of the 4 people that were evicted. It gave you to option to vote for Eric to be the next person evicted. That was a few hours ago and then I went back just now and it was changed and you can no longer vote for Eric on that poll. Strange. I keep voting and voting for Kayser to come back into the house and I will as long as I can.

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