Sunday, April 10, 2005

I'm pooped.

I like finding things on other people's blogs and then using them on mine. Like the new mood indicator. I like that.
So, I am at work today and it does seem like a relief to be here. We worked so hard on the house all weekend and it's nice to have a break. I am only here until noon today (I am working a half day.), but it is a nice little break. I am really worn out, but I feel sort of refreshed right now. I hope that I can keep up this mood and get out of the sleepiness. I am planning on getting caught up on life today. I have dishwasher and a sink full of dishes that have been there for I cannot remember how long. That's not a good thing when you can't remember when the last time you did dishes. We have been eating fast food all week. It's not that we don't have food in the frig, it's just that fast food is well, fast. Plus, when we are at the house, we have no food there. Anyway, lets get caught up day! Gotta do laundry - haven't done that in two weeks. Gotta do the checkbook and make sure I am not late on any bills. And I gotta pack. We are officially moving next Saturday. I don't have to have everything packed, because we don't have to be out of the apartment until May 1. But I would like to have as much stuff packed as possible so that it can be taken over in the truck. I am trying not to feel pressured with the packing, but that's not really working. Chris went and got more boxes so at least now we can really pack. I have a lot done already, but not enough. AUGH! This is ruining my mood.
I will talk about happier things! Chris (almost) finished the painting. We still have to paint the computer room, but we think we can do that after we move in. All the painting that we wanted to have done before we moved in is done. Hooray. I did finish cleaning all the kitchen cabinets and at least the are better than they were. They did not get really clean, but something is better than nothing. We also bought some of our appliances on Thursday. We got our refrigerator and our dishwasher from Sears. We got smokin deals. The frig was on sale and we got the dishwasher, which was already on sale, price matched from Home Depot. Home Depot had the regular price lower than the Sears sale price. Sweet! We got really nice appliances. I am really glad that we were given the money to be able to do that. Otherwise, we would have had to keep the crappy ones that are there or gotten really cheap ones. So, that's really cool. They are going to be delivered on the 22nd. That means we have to live with the frig we have now for about a week. That'll be ok. The dishwasher that's there does not work - or it works, but I would not want to put anything in it. It's so old and gross. I will be so happy when we have new appliances! YEAH!
Also, my mom and pa came over to the house and helped us tremendously yesterday. They came (and brought me flowers for the yard!) and helped carry out a huge pile of trash that had been growing since we got the house. Old curtains, carpet, blinds. A bunch of crap that we had just been throwing into the middle of the room to not deal with. They helped haul it all to the trash. Then my mom used her carpet shampooer and cleaned the two rooms that have carpet. That helped me, I can't even tell you how much. It would have taken me just as long as it took her to clean, to figure out how to work it and do it right. But since it was hers to begin with, she just swooped in and did it. It saves me almost half a day. I was gonna do that next Thursday and now I don't have to. They also hauled away some other trash in their truck and bought me some more cleaning supplies that I was running out of. All of this was so nice of them and we appreciate it so much.
And on a completely different note - yes, maybe we all should think before we post and/or comment on things that we know that people are sensitive about. That might be a good practice.

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