Monday, April 04, 2005

and as if that wasn't enough...

As I was leaving work today, I got a message from the apartment complex manager. It said something like this: Your water heater was leaking and flooded the apartment below yours. We had to go into your apartment and shut off the electricity so that we could go into your laundry room and replace your water heater. Some of the things in your laundry room had to be moved so they could get to the water heater and they didn't put everything back, so those things are just stacked around. Call us. Ah, WHAT!?!?!?! Yup. That's really what happened. All the things they moved were piled on top of the washer and dryer. Now, other than having to move the crap to do laundry, this was a blessing in disguise. We had stuff piled all around the water heater for storage and I looked at it all the other day and was dreading having to get down there and clean that all out. Now, I don't have to at least do that. But still, it was the last thing I needed today...

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