Wednesday, November 18, 2009

not all sunshine and light

My father Vic called me on Sunday. It was the first time I had heard from him since the day before he was moving out of state. That was back in April and he called me to ask if I would help him pack. I said no and that was the last I had heard from him. Then a birthday card showed up in my mailbox (a day late) and it sent me spinning. Not only a card, but a check. It was one of the those really long, mushy cards that you never really read. I didn't read it and still never have. All he wrote was something lame like, Hope you have a Happy Birthday. Love, Dad. As if nothing had happened. As if I hadn't spoken to him in over 6 months. I cashed the check and sent him a simple thank you note. Said "Thank you for the card and check. Love, Laura." I did the right thing by sending him the note. I didn't even have his address until I got if off the return address on the card. Now had I known what would happen after he got the thank you note, I might not have sent it. That is what led to him calling me on Sunday. I didn't answer. It was a number I didn't recognize and I never answer calls from numbers I don't know. I didn't have his phone number either. He left me a message and it was full of crap. "I miss you. I hope I can talk to you." Bullshit like that. I haven't called back. I didn't call back then, because 1. I was watching football and I don't like being interrupted during my Cardinals games and 2. I was feeling sick. Still kinda am. Must be some sinus or something. Even now, though, I don't know if I want to call him or not. Before, it was simple. He doesn't call me, I don't call him. I don't have anything to say to him. Actually, that's not true. And honestly, that is why he hasn't called me. He has told people that he hasn't called me, because I will just yell at him and tell him things he doesn't want to hear. Oh, you mean like you are a dumbass and are screwing up your life by buying a bride from Russia. Stuff like that? Oh hell yes, I will tell him things he does not want to hear. But he should be the parent. And he should be able to listen to what I have to say. Allow me to be honest with him and still be able to maintain a relationship. That is what parents are supposed to do. But I had decided a long time ago, that venting that anger and frustration to him was just a waste of time. Nothing would change. It will only cause me grief. So I have nothing to say to him. I don't want him in my life. Plus, whenever he calls my sister, all his does is talk about himself, his cabinets and his Russian bride. I hear all about it from her. I don't need to hear it from him too. What would I even say to him? He is not worth getting upset over. He is not worth me stressing about this at all. My sister says that I should talk to him. That even though he is a jackass, he's still our father. I don't really buy that. He may be the man who's sperm got my mother pregnant with me, but he hasn't been a father to me in a very long time.

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