Wednesday, November 18, 2009

daily dose of hotness - album release day addition

Just pretend that it is still yesterday...

How could I not post a daily dose of hotness on album release day?

Alright, after you pick your jaw up off the floor, lets talk Battle Studies. It was wonderful to wake up and have an album just waiting to be downloaded. That is an awesome feeling. I have listened to the whole album when it was "leaked" last weekend.

Side note: If it is leaked on an official site, like Rhapsody, and with the artists approval, does that even count as leaked? It shouldn't. And so many albums are being leaked before the release date that it just seems pointless to have a later release date. Just put it out earlier. Stupid. I hate when I see that albums are leaked.

Sorry. Got sidetracked there.

So I had heard the album already, but hadn't really listened to it. I really wanted to wait until I had my own copy and could start and stop and play which ever song I wanted. I have been doing that all day. I have to say that, of course, I love it.
But we knew that would happen. However, I have not yet been able to pick a favorite track. I need to play them more. There are some that I go to play more often, like All We Ever Do is Say Goodbye and Heartbreak Warfare. I think the rest of the album needs more time to stew. I need to learn more of the lyrics first. When I do, I can appreciate the songs more. I am all about the lyrics.

Then tonight, I watched the live show on FUSE and was able to hear some of the new songs live. I fell in love with Friends, Lovers or Nothing. Wow. And I thought Gravity was a great closing song. F,L or N is an amazing song. Don't know if its my favorite, but its up there. I really hope I can find a video of it on youtube. The whole show was great and it was an awesome way to end album release day.

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