Thursday, April 23, 2009

top 7 - part deux

I know I am days behind on this shit. But I was out of town. Give a girl a break.

I was just gonna watch it now and not blog the show, but then Gokey came on the screen and I almost vomited. I had to say something.
People complain about Adam's screeching, but what about Gokey's yelling? He just yelled thru that whole, horrendous song. The beard. The dancing. Give me one of those big Coke cups to spew in. I dislike him so strongly that I have visceral reaction.

Backing up a tad...
Lil - Boring. Tired of the wigs. And she needed to shave her armpits. Bye Bye.

Kris - I just posted this on my twitter: I saw a quote somewhere that said, "I liked Kris Allen better when he was Jason Castro." I never really paid attention to the words he was singing. I mean, I know that song, but since it was so different, he could have been singing the phone book for all I knew. It sounded good, but it made no sense.

Gokey - see above

Allison - I wonder what it would have sounded like if she hadn't made the arrangement changes. This arrangement sounded too much like all her other performances. If she had sung it the original way, it would have been much different. But baby girl has pipes.

Adam - Nice pompadour. Fuck. Paula crying. I need that cup for vomit again. Not for Adam, for the judges. Ok, for Paula and Kara. Saturday Night Live? Really? Studio 57?
I hate Kara. The performance was pretty. But boring too. Do the freckles on Adam's lips look weird to anyone else?

Matt - This is what Adam should have sung. I like this arrangement. I am dancing in my seat. He creeps me out, but at least he wore a hat to cover the mole.

Anoop - Gets the pimp spot. Speaking of creepy... Did he and Gokey have some pact not to shave this week? As we already know, he goes bye bye. This was not good. I don't see him as a singer. He is a personality. He should be a host of some show. I think he has a future in that.

There is a fly in my house and its distracting me.

I'm glad next week is the Top 5. I need this crap to be over.

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