Wednesday, February 25, 2009

12 out of 36 - round 2

Last week, my sister told me I was really cranky in my post. Too damn bad.

Let's rock and roll...
(adding the song the person sung this week)

Jasmine Murray - Love Song - Oversinging the hell out of this cute song. The best part of this song is the carefree nature of it. She tried to make it something its not. Sure the whole "make it your own" thing. Blah, blah, blah. She put too much into to it and didn't focus enough on showing off her voice.

What? No chaos in the red room with the families? Ah, that's too bad. That was the most entertaining part of last week.

Matt Giraud
- Viva La Vida - yeah, no. People don't cover Coldplay for a reason. Too many cheesy runs. Paula talking about watching rehearsals. Interesting. As we learned last year, the often base their critiques on what they saw in rehearsal. They should not, but they do. Anyway...

Jeanine Vailes - This Love - What is wrong with these people? She is really bad. Song choice is killing these people tonight. Its sad when the only positive thing Paula, Simon and Randy can say is, "Great legs." Holy dove... end this misery!

Nick Mitchell - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going - Already heard rumors of him being this years Sanjaya. Wondering who was Sanjaya last year. Highly entertaining and the scary thing is... he can actually sing. I would love for him to go thru just to show what a mockery this show is. "Takes one to know one!" Nice one. Shit. I just might vote for him.

Allison Iraheta - Alone - She only has braces on her bottom teeth and she does not look 16. I can't put my finger on what it is with her. She was doing really well, until she started yelling. I like her, but she needs to lose the costume. Just be herself. But definitely the best so far.

Kris Allen
- Man in the Mirror - He is not bad. But again with the song choice. Too cheesy for my taste. Cute, but forgettable.

Megan Corkrey
- Put Your Record On - She's really cute. She needs to grab the mike and get into it. She was just ok. But she has potential.

Its sad that the contestants didn't get Ryan's Cold Hearted Snake reference.

Matt Brietzke
- If You Can Only See - SCARED OF THE DANCING. Goodness. I wasn't really looking at the screen, then looked over and saw him moving around. I guess its not really dancing, but still. It's weird. He actually has a good voice, but unfortunately he does not fit the mold. Sorry dude.

Jesse Langseth - Bette Davis Eyes - Dang. I liked her until she started singing. She's singing thru her nose and its obvious. It got better as the song went along. Either that or I got used to hearing her voice.

Kai Kalama - What Becomes of the Broken-hearted - He had a lot of gray hair before. Now, not so much. I guess he's the crazy hair guy this year. Whatever. I like his voice. But this does not feel like a song that represents him. He seems like a cool dude and this song doesn't show that. However, it does show off his voice. So there is the conflict. Funny... Kara said basically what I just said.

Mishavonna Henson - Drops of Jupiter - Yup. I'm shallow. She's not cute. But she did "make it her own." I don't really have any opinion on her singing. It was ok. But she will not make it.

Adam Lambert - Satisfaction - This is so damn intentional, its pathetic. Him going last. Just like Danny last week. All the little girls love this boy. He has the teen vote and that's a good vote to have. He's thru.

There you go. Round 2. Idol is torture, but I can't stop watching.

1 comment:

BrightStar (B*) said...

I don't remember telling you that you were cranky, but I could see why I would have said that... HI, CRANKS!