Tuesday, February 17, 2009

12 out of 36 - round 1

Guess I am watching Idol the year. I wish I could deny it, but it just sucks you in. So tonight was the first group of 12. Gonna blog it as I watch it:

Jackie Tohn - What the holy heck was that? She's a nut job and she sounded so weird. Can't really explain it.

These couch interviews before and after bore the crap out of me.

Ricky Braddy - Is he singing, cuz i tuned it out? They liked it? huh. It was just boring to me.

Alexis Grace - cute baby. I actually kinda liked her performance. Got lipstick on the mike, then it transferred to her chin and her arm. hehe. Simon compared her to Kelly. That's crazy.

That's a fancy mike they gave em this year.

Brent Keith
- the guy with 2 first names. Hicktown?? Just say no-town. Comparing him to Bucky is not a compliment.

Ryan in the Mister Rogers sweater is bothering me.

Stevie Wright
- Nice try with the lower register, but no. Hell, all the other registers of her voice are bad too. How did she make it this far? Yotally sounds karaoke.

NPH is the crowd (and Ted Danson, but who cares) is the coolest thing. Ryan trying to talk to the families while the contestants come up is totally lame. Its chaos. And also makes the contestants look like children. "Here's my mommy and daddy." dumb

Anoop Desai
- He is hilarious without trying to be funny, which is always a good thing. He's good and i actually agree with Paula that he sounded like Bryan McKnight. I hope he makes it thru, cuz he is one of the few i can handle watching.

Oh yeah... Where is the band? Are they hiding? Or are they using pre-recorded music?

Casey Carlson
- Too sorority pretty and she is trying WAY too hard. Her mouth is freaking huge. Oh lord... This is killing me. Make it stop. *resists urge to fast forward* If she makes it, its based on looks only.

Michael Sarver - This is such a good song, but this dude scares me. I keep putting my hands up in front of my face in fear. *closes eyes* Nope, not any better without looking.

As much as i want to hate Simon... He's usually right.

Anne Marie Boskovich
- Crazy when the judges ask them how they think they did. Not a good sign. I thought it wasn't terrible, but boring.

btw... All the top 24 (this year, top 36) Idols get their teeth whitened by the show. Just a random tidbit that I've acquired.

Stephen Fowler
- I don't like his voice. It's nasally. He won't make it.

Is this show biased?? Duh. Saving Danny for the end is so damn obvious. And saving Tatiana for the end so that she gets booted is obvious too. I hate this show. They aren't even subtle anymore.

Tatiana Del Toro
- Good lord, she's singing Whitney. Agree with Simon... better than expected. But she is still freaking crazy. Rubbing on Ryan's arm is so damn creepy. ick. If she stays, its for entertainment value. If she stays, shoot me.

Danny Gokey - Does it even matter what I think? He's gonna make it. Bet on that.

Listen. I run a fansite for a former Idol contestant. I have no room to judge anyone when it comes to Idol. I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to this show. It annoys the crap out of me, but it has brought so many wonderful things and people into my life. After last year, I swore I would never watch it again. But as I said, it sucks you in. But you have to take this show with a huge grain of salt. As long as you understand that its rigged beyond belief, you may be able to enjoy the show. Just don't be naive to think that your favorite contestant will make it thru, unless they are TPTB's favorite too. Don't jump on bandwagons, either. That's what they want you to do. [/soapbox]

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