Monday, October 01, 2007

were you waiting for my response to these photos?

The hotness is dating Minka Kelly from the show Friday Night Lights. Apparently they have been dating for a few weeks. That photo is from Saturday afternoon. Here is one from Saturday night: Ok, the facts are out of the way.
How do I feel about this?
I am surprised by my response.
I am really ok with it. She is a gorgeous girl and much more his type. She seems normal. I don't know much about her and don't watch the show she is on, but she really seems like a better match. I am not dumb. I know that he is an amazing guy and will date many women. He is not sitting around pining for me, that's for sure. I just feel like he deserves someone, for lack of a better word, good.
So, for now, I am ok with it.
Don't believe me?
Ok, fine. I hate her, but I don't have any of the anger that I had with the last relationship. It's nothing like that at all.
Maybe I feel like if I lost a million pounds, I would look like her and he might like me. Oh, that's pathetic. I'll stop now before I really embarrass myself.

photo sources: here and here

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