Wednesday, October 10, 2007

evolution of Bittersweet

Over 3 years ago, Bittersweet began as a poem by Kanye West:

And in 2004, MTV aired this:

That's the hotness and Kanye West working on the making of Kanye's song, Bittersweet. This was the world's first taste of the song. Loved it then and now.
Bittersweet was to be on Kanye's 2nd album, Late Registration which came out in 2005. The track did not make the album, but we were promised that it would be on the next album. That brings us to Kanye's latest album, Graduation. The first track listing that came out, had Bittersweet listed and was even sampled on Kanye's website along with the other tracks. Then, for some reason when they released the album, it was not there.
Bittersweet has now become a bonus track on the itunes download and the Japanese import CD. Wow. That is quite a journey for a song.
Here is the whole song:

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