Friday, October 05, 2007

pushing daisies

Did you watch the new show, Pushing Daisies on Wednesday night? I didn't watch it Wednesday, but I watched it this morning. I really liked it, a lot. I really liked the narration and the main character, Ned. The actor, Lee Pace, was in another show I really liked, Wonderfalls. Pushing Daisies was created by the same guy who created Wonderfalls and both shows have a very unique vibe that I like. With a cast including Kristen Chenoweth (A-MAZ-ING!), Chi McBride (shout out to Boston Public!), Swoosie Kurtz and Ellen Greene (she played Audrey in the movie version of Little Shop of Horrors!), how can you go wrong? I really liked it. I hope that it doesn't get old fast. I have high hopes for it. But these shows don't usually catch on like they should, so my high hopes are not all that high.

You can watch it online here. Or ABC is rerunning it tonite.

1 comment:

BrightStar (B*) said...

I watched it last night, and I liked it, too. I didn't realize the main dude was on Wonderfalls at first, but I knew he looked familiar to me. I thought Chi McBride's character provided a good balance (a bit of cynicism)for the rest of the show.