Wednesday, June 18, 2008

nothing around but the sound of my heart and your sighs

My poor neglected blog.

I got a freakin forum to run! But I have learned a big lesson with this new forum. Delegate. I have never been good at this. I know how it should be done and dammit, I will do it right myself. That is sooooo not a good attitude. But I have been getting so overwhelmed just getting the forum set up, that when it came to "mod"ing it, there was no way I could handle it. We now have all our mods (people to watch over it and make sure people are not breaking the rules) assigned and we are getting ready to open it up to the world. So, I have been delegating. I have been using the talents of my lovely friends. Asking for people to write things up, asking people to make graphics. I trust these girls, so why not trust that they will do a good job? That takes a lot for me to do that, but I have been in the last couple days and it has really been working.

Many people have asked in recent days... How long do you think the forum will last? I mean, how long can you talk about Jason Castro? Well first... he hasn't fallen off the earth. So until he has, we will have things to talk about. All summer long there is the tour (13 DAYS!!!). Then after that, hopefully a long career. We were all here at the beginning and ain't going no wheres!

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