Saturday, November 19, 2005

sick? You're sick?

Yes. Since right around Halloween, I have been feeling very ill. It started as congestion and went down into my throat and got stuck there. I tried to be in denial about being ill. My birthday, our company, our trip up north (I still need to work on the pictures, I know.). Push through it and I will feel better soon. Problem was, after our friends left, I started to feel worse. It was like my body shut down. I was coughing like crazy and was having trouble breathing. I finally went to the doctor on Monday, after leaving work early. I have bronchitis. I was given antibiotics and some cough medicine and told to lay low and rest. I stayed home from work and have been trying to get better. But I still don't feel 100% yet. I'd say I am at about 60%. I am trying again to not be sick. I went to work on Thursday, since it was only my half day. And yesterday, my mom and I went shopping. We had a lot of fun, but I think that I pushed myself too hard. Don't feel guilty, Mom. It was my decision. You told me we could stop and go home, but I didn't want to. I don't want to be sick. I want to feel better. I have a big, exciting week coming up. Tonight, we are supposed to go my works year end event at the Phoenix Zoo. I just don't know if I am going to feel up to it. Plus, I have to work this week. I need the money to pay for all the shopping I did yesterday. Tuesday, the JM3 album comes out. Wednesday, I get to work half day and go see RENT in the afternoon. I am jumping out of my skin with excitement for seeing RENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then Thursday is Turkey Day at my cousins. Then over the weekend, Chris and I are gonna make our own Thanksgiving dinner for just us. We do this every year, that we have leftovers. So, its a Big Week coming up. I need to feel better and really, really want to.

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