Tuesday, May 12, 2009

everything old is new again

When I was in junior high and high school, I lived in Flojos. I honestly do not know why I ever stopped wearing them. I am thinking moving out of state had something to do with it. But when I used to wear them, I wore them like mad. I used to wear out a pair, until it was falling apart, then buy a new pair. Then, after I moved from AZ to OH, I started wearing Birkenstocks. They are still my primary footwear, but tonight I was online looking for a pair of black flip flops. Suddenly, flojos popped into my head. I wondered if they even still made them. Then I found them and I was damn excited. I ordered my standard black pair. They now have brown and offwhite. I might have to get them too. But I started with my old standby. I am very, very excited for them to arrive.

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