Sunday, October 03, 2004


Chris took the day off the deal with the following...
- the car has been shaking (I'd say bad, but he'd say not that bad) and I remembered that when the Escort shook real bad it was because the tires are worn out. So, I asked Chris if we could get new tires. But he wanted to take the car to the dealership to have them look at it to see if there is anything under warranty that is wrong with it. So, he got up early and drove the car to the dealership and they brought him home. Then within an hour, they called and told him that there really isn't much they can do for the shaking other than put new tires on. Yeah, tires that cost over $400. I think not. They also told him all the stuff that needs to be done at the 45000 mile check-up, which will be soon. So, at least we know now how much we are gonna have to drop. They kept telling Chris that they would come back and pick him up, but he had to go to the dentist at noon and had to be back in time to do that. What ended up happening is that he told them just to not bother picking him up and he took the bus there after his dentist appointment. He then dropped the car off at Discount Tire and we got new tires for $300 instead. Neat. I haven't driven it since the new tires, so I can't say if it makes a difference yet. But Chris says it does.
- dentist. Chris had a hole where he had the root canal a few months ago and it was freaking him out. Understandably. But at least since there was no root, it wasn't hurting. The dentist being the cool dude that he is, handled it and didn't charge him a dime. We love our dentist.

And what did I do Friday? aaaahhh. I stressed about the car, did laundry, cleaned up the kitchen and watched the first disc of Angels in America. My day was dramatically less eventful then Chris's. But then, on Friday night, we went to Streets of New York for dinner. It is right on our corner and we have never been. It was really cool. Sort of expensive, but we did splurge and had (well, Chris did) beer and (both of us) dessert.

Starting at 11am, we went to the following stores:
Lazy Boy
The Room Store
and... I can't remember that last furniture store. All I can remember about it is that it looks like the aunts threw up in there.
then we went to The Home Depot Expo Design store. It was not all that great.
then we went to lunch at Red Robin
then we went to... Babies R Us. No, I am not making that up. And yes, I said WE went there. I just suggested it, thinking he would reject it and he agreed after a little pushing. We looked at strollers and cribs. And then he just started getting upset because everything is so frilly and fluffy. Yikes. But I was just dipping his foot in and at least he let me. It's a step in the right direction.
Then last night, I watched the 2nd disc of Angels in America.
My was great. There were things that I think were overdone. But overall it was great. I kept watching it and thinking how the scenes might have been in the play. I wish I had seen they plays.
Anyway, we are so slow today. We have only one hour left and we have taken less than half of the normal calls that we take on a not so busy day. Cool, I guess.
Also cool... at least as of right now, the Cardinals are winning. It'll be their first win of the season. Hooray!

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