Tuesday, October 05, 2004

the back story about the psycho neighbor

the following is an entry from my old web journal about what caused us to not park in our covered parking spot:

12/03/03 - 8:41 pm
Well, I realized that I have forgotten to mention the lovely thing that happened on Thanksgiving. When I got home from my parents, I parked in the wrong parking spot. So, I had to back up and re-park. As I was backing up, I ACCIDENTLY hit this trailer. There is this guy who lives in my building and he uses a wheel chair (one of those electric ones). He can walk, but uses the wheel chair for some reason. He has no job and never leaves the apartment. He has this big boat car and has this trailer that is attached to the back. He parks it crooked in front of his apartment and it sticks way out in the parking lot. Anyway. I hit the damn thing ok. It was an accident and I regret it now more than anything. I parked the car and gathered up my stuff. I was walking over to the stupid trailer and was checking it for damage. The dude came out on his wheelchair, with his cane on his lap, and started to yell at me. I could write everything that the bastard said to me, but that might take all night. He berated me for almost 10 minutes. He accused me of being drunk, which I resent to no end. My friend was killed by a drunk driver for christ sake. He then said that I should not be able to drive. He also accused me of hitting it before. It just went on and on and I had to stop myself from crying right there. I just apologized over and over and then finally just had to walk away. I was so upset that I hardly slept. I felt so bad and I know that is what he was trying to do. He just a sad man who has nothing better to do than yell at people. But I did not deserve the treatment that I got. He acted as though I did it on purpose. This just upset me so much. We have decided that we are going to just avoid him at all costs. We talked with the apartment people and they are letting us use a different parking spot so that we don’t even have to walk by his apartment and we are definitely not parking anywhere near him again. I don’t know if that is the best solution but it makes me feel better and I don’t have to worry about any more interaction with him.

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